Whoever first said this was a wise one indeed. Friends and family could testify to the fact that this is one of my favourite sayings, and I make frequent use of it.
This is about trade offs. Every pro comes with a con, and vice versa. Sometimes we tend to look at things through rose-coloured glass... as the pot of gold at the other end of the rainbow. But rarely is this the case.
As I sit here with one eye squeezed shut, and the other peering intently at my monitor, I'm taken back to the day my mother finally let me turn in my glasses for contact lenses. Then, it seemed the greatest accomplishment. But now, in this very moment, with one contact lens dried and shriveled on the desk after randomly flopping out, as I wait for the bathroom to be vacated so I can replace said lens... I'm acknowledging the cons.
Hey, I'm not complaining or anything! Contact lenses don't steam up in humid weather, or get caught in my earrings. But they do have their own issues, especially late at night with dry eyes.
And as I continue to sit here with my one-eyed, rabbit-trailing self... I've been pondering and mulling over the pros and cons of Obama's healthcare package.
He sure made it sound fine, didn't he? Healthcare for all the poor lost lambs in America who don't have insurance to cover even their most basic medical needs. Is this not the deal of a lifetime? Nationalized healthcare! Healthcare for everyone! BUT, anybody who likes their plan and their doctor... gets to keep it?? This is too good to be true!
Unfortunately, it really is too good to be true. Time to get real!
Administration is failing to acknowledge, several important points here. Some of which I intend to address...
Firstly, let's look at Canada. The only reason nationalized healthcare is even remotely functional there is because the majority of Canadians come over the border into the U.S. for their most urgent medical needs. This is common knowledge to anyone with Canadian acquaintances. If you don't have any, I'll be glad to hook you up so you can hear it for yourself.
Why doesn't it work? First, there aren't enough medical workers to give each and every citizen in need their full attention and assistance. They can only take care of so many per day. So to FORCE it to work, what do they have to do?
Overbook- Too many patients and not enough time means that your appointment could be booked weeks, or even MONTHS away from when you need it.
Secondly, it's too expensive. The government is already way in debt... how can they cover the costs of 40 some-odd million more uninsured Americans? And it's not just going to be those 40-something millions of Americans, either! You'll have millions more transitioning, because this nationalized plan looks sooooo much better.
There was a story sometime back about a woman who had terminal cancer. Because it was terminal, and her chances of survival were supposedly slim, it was decided that it would be a waste of money to treat her for it.
What to do? Come to the U.S. and get treated here. And... if this should happen once the U.S. healthcare is nationalized? Oh, poot... same problem. You're terminal, it would be a waste of our money to treat you. Sorry.
So to make this work, they'd have to lower the quality of treatment, skimp and deprive many people of the treatments and operations they need. They'd also have to hike taxes to make ends meet... and even then that wouldn't be enough.
And the part about keeping your private plan and doctor if you want to? A load of bunk... with the government plan, there will soon be no room for the private plan.
And what does all this have to do with my contact lens? Nothing. I'm just rabbit-trailing, as I said before. Speaking of which, the bathroom is now available. I'm sure, given more time, I could have pointed out a few more flaws... but I think that's a pretty good starter. Ciao!
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Sunday, June 14, 2009
I am angry...
What is it this time, you ask? :P
I am extremely miffed with this proposed tax on "unhealthy" foods. This plan is riddled with erroneous assumptions (and presumptiions)... and I would like to explore a few right here.
What are you... my MOTHER?
Firstly, the government has no right to stick it's nose in my pantry. No right to tell me what I can and can not eat. If I want to engorge myself on foods I know aren't good for me, or partake of said foods in such excesses that the bathroom scale shows it is to my detriment... what BUSINESS is it of the federal government? We are not babies, we are not children... they are NOT our parents, and we don't need to be babysat! This is stupid!
The Socialist Slant
Secondly, if this insulting and invasive tax is to help America to keep it's weight down... then shouldn't the skinny folks get a reimbursement? LOL! I mean seriously... I know they've got this whole fair and equal thing going on, but how is it right that because a part of our nation is overweight, the portion of our nation that is not has to pay extra for a little snack now and then?
It's like the one pupil in the classroom that misbehaves, and the teacher then announces that the entire class is to be deprived of recess. Except for one thing... no one here is doing anything WRONG. People's eating habits are up to them... which brings us back to this: it's none of the government's business!!!
I'm Not Buying This. Literally.
Thirdly... has Obama given any thought to exactly how overweight persons versus average weight persons are going to receive this? Overweight persons aren't going to be deterred by a tax... a few might hold out, but many are just going to carry on as usual. Snacking is evidently a a habit to some folks... and to them, the temptation of all the snacky foods out there is a bit overwhelming. What more is a tax to them than a nuisance?
Average weight persons, however, will be the one who are pulled up short by the tax. They never did a whole lot of snacking in the first place... now that they have to pay EXTRA, what's the point in throwing away the money? Maybe a few snacks here and there... but I guarantee you it will be the average weight persons cutting back on the snacks and junk food!
Super Obama Tries to Save the Economy
Umm... taxing sweet foods to cut back on expenditure on such products and therefore discourage the populace from eating them is going to do more harm than good for SURE in this department. Mr. President, if you DO succeed in getting America to file it's sweet-tooth... that's going to be hard on a lot of businesses. Have you even thought of that?
Define "Unhealthy"...
Last but not least... who's deciding what is and is not taxable? There is a fine line here... cereal is a breakfast item, and most of it is sugary. Is that taxable as a whole? Or are they divvying it up, so sugary cereals are taxable, and "healthy" cereals are not? Does that mean we have to pay taxes on Lucky Charms, Cookie Crisps, and Cocoa Puffs, but not on Honey Bunches of Oats, Raisin Bran, and Cheerios?
What about pies? An apple pie for example... would that be taxable? And if so, what about the ingredients required to make an apple pie? Will we have to pay taxes on apple pie filling? What if we make our own apple pie filling? Will Granny Smith Apples now be taxable? Then what... we have to use sweeteners to make it... is sugar taxable? What's the difference between buying a pie, and buying the ingredients to MAKE a pie? Will it become an issue of Tax Evasion to purchase apples for the baking of apple pies and other sugary goods? Or is Washington's next step to illegalize the abuse of Granny Smith Apples to create illegal substances such as apple pie, apple fritters, and my renowned apple banana nut muffins?
Have I made myself clear yet? This plan has a few holes in it!
This has to be one of the most asinine plans that Washington has cooked up in a long time...
I am extremely miffed with this proposed tax on "unhealthy" foods. This plan is riddled with erroneous assumptions (and presumptiions)... and I would like to explore a few right here.
What are you... my MOTHER?
Firstly, the government has no right to stick it's nose in my pantry. No right to tell me what I can and can not eat. If I want to engorge myself on foods I know aren't good for me, or partake of said foods in such excesses that the bathroom scale shows it is to my detriment... what BUSINESS is it of the federal government? We are not babies, we are not children... they are NOT our parents, and we don't need to be babysat! This is stupid!
The Socialist Slant
Secondly, if this insulting and invasive tax is to help America to keep it's weight down... then shouldn't the skinny folks get a reimbursement? LOL! I mean seriously... I know they've got this whole fair and equal thing going on, but how is it right that because a part of our nation is overweight, the portion of our nation that is not has to pay extra for a little snack now and then?
It's like the one pupil in the classroom that misbehaves, and the teacher then announces that the entire class is to be deprived of recess. Except for one thing... no one here is doing anything WRONG. People's eating habits are up to them... which brings us back to this: it's none of the government's business!!!
I'm Not Buying This. Literally.
Thirdly... has Obama given any thought to exactly how overweight persons versus average weight persons are going to receive this? Overweight persons aren't going to be deterred by a tax... a few might hold out, but many are just going to carry on as usual. Snacking is evidently a a habit to some folks... and to them, the temptation of all the snacky foods out there is a bit overwhelming. What more is a tax to them than a nuisance?
Average weight persons, however, will be the one who are pulled up short by the tax. They never did a whole lot of snacking in the first place... now that they have to pay EXTRA, what's the point in throwing away the money? Maybe a few snacks here and there... but I guarantee you it will be the average weight persons cutting back on the snacks and junk food!
Super Obama Tries to Save the Economy
Umm... taxing sweet foods to cut back on expenditure on such products and therefore discourage the populace from eating them is going to do more harm than good for SURE in this department. Mr. President, if you DO succeed in getting America to file it's sweet-tooth... that's going to be hard on a lot of businesses. Have you even thought of that?
Define "Unhealthy"...
Last but not least... who's deciding what is and is not taxable? There is a fine line here... cereal is a breakfast item, and most of it is sugary. Is that taxable as a whole? Or are they divvying it up, so sugary cereals are taxable, and "healthy" cereals are not? Does that mean we have to pay taxes on Lucky Charms, Cookie Crisps, and Cocoa Puffs, but not on Honey Bunches of Oats, Raisin Bran, and Cheerios?
What about pies? An apple pie for example... would that be taxable? And if so, what about the ingredients required to make an apple pie? Will we have to pay taxes on apple pie filling? What if we make our own apple pie filling? Will Granny Smith Apples now be taxable? Then what... we have to use sweeteners to make it... is sugar taxable? What's the difference between buying a pie, and buying the ingredients to MAKE a pie? Will it become an issue of Tax Evasion to purchase apples for the baking of apple pies and other sugary goods? Or is Washington's next step to illegalize the abuse of Granny Smith Apples to create illegal substances such as apple pie, apple fritters, and my renowned apple banana nut muffins?
Have I made myself clear yet? This plan has a few holes in it!
This has to be one of the most asinine plans that Washington has cooked up in a long time...
Friday, June 5, 2009
Score Me! Pet Peeve (Part 1): Rulebreakers
A lengthy complaint in installments.
OK, a quick run up on my history with Score Me!
I have been a member for a year as of this June. A moderator from August to December 2008. In December of 2008, following an angry but effective tirade (which can still be found in our group forum, page 5), I was promoted to group Administrator. Finally, this past March, the lone remaining active administrator demoted, and I was promoted to the position of Chief Administrator.
The concept of the group is fairly simple... you post one of your photos to the pool, then use our copy-and-paste tagline to score the five photos directly preceding your own. Once you have posted, you may not post again until another five photos (by five other members) have been added to the pool. Via this pattern, every photo gets five scores. Doesn't that sound lovely, and brilliantly well thought out? Well, it isn't. Sadly, there is always *someone* to rain on the parade. : )
Don't get me wrong, , this is an excellent way to work on technical skill. This was my jump-off point as an amateur... a learning process for me.
But we have pool-flooders, and non-scorers, score deleters, photo-deleters, whiners, and all sorts of other folks to help make sure it is the precise antitheses of "fun" for the administrative team.
Firstly are the flooders. Prior to switching the group to Invite Only, we got 10-20 of these per day. They come in, they dump a bunch of photos in the pool, and they don't score... thus breaking up our Post 1, Score 5 sequence, and causing a hoot of a lot of confusion for the regulars.
Secondly are the non-scorers. These do just that... they post 1 photo (in accordance with rules) and score zilch. This means the five people after them all miss out on 1 score. We get anywhere from 50-100 of these per day.
Thirdly are the score deleters! This offense is the least troublesome, and yet the perpetrators are the most belligerent and precarious to deal with. Exerting all my diplomatic skill, I still get burned badly when negotiating with them. Why's that? Wounded vanity.
Usually the score-deleters are the self-proclaimed "victims" of a low score. They blame it on retaliatory scorers, biased opinion, amateur skill in the scorer... ANYTHING to divert the possibility that there very well could be something technically wrong with their photo. Probably about 20-40 per day.
Last but not least, pool deleters! I'm a strong advocate of loving my neighbours as I do myself, but I will admit that I am not very fond of these critters.
They make administrative duties for our group very complex... complex doesn't even cover it! By non-scoring, then deleting their photos from the pool, they make it impossible to figure out what went wrong, and where. This occurs about 15-30 times per day.
Our solutions? Strict administration, with a Report Thread (for members to report rulebreakers) and a Missing Scores thread (where members can collect scores to make up for the ones they missed due to rulebreakers).
Stay tuned for Part II.
OK, a quick run up on my history with Score Me!
I have been a member for a year as of this June. A moderator from August to December 2008. In December of 2008, following an angry but effective tirade (which can still be found in our group forum, page 5), I was promoted to group Administrator. Finally, this past March, the lone remaining active administrator demoted, and I was promoted to the position of Chief Administrator.
The concept of the group is fairly simple... you post one of your photos to the pool, then use our copy-and-paste tagline to score the five photos directly preceding your own. Once you have posted, you may not post again until another five photos (by five other members) have been added to the pool. Via this pattern, every photo gets five scores. Doesn't that sound lovely, and brilliantly well thought out? Well, it isn't. Sadly, there is always *someone* to rain on the parade. : )
Don't get me wrong, , this is an excellent way to work on technical skill. This was my jump-off point as an amateur... a learning process for me.
But we have pool-flooders, and non-scorers, score deleters, photo-deleters, whiners, and all sorts of other folks to help make sure it is the precise antitheses of "fun" for the administrative team.
Firstly are the flooders. Prior to switching the group to Invite Only, we got 10-20 of these per day. They come in, they dump a bunch of photos in the pool, and they don't score... thus breaking up our Post 1, Score 5 sequence, and causing a hoot of a lot of confusion for the regulars.
Secondly are the non-scorers. These do just that... they post 1 photo (in accordance with rules) and score zilch. This means the five people after them all miss out on 1 score. We get anywhere from 50-100 of these per day.
Thirdly are the score deleters! This offense is the least troublesome, and yet the perpetrators are the most belligerent and precarious to deal with. Exerting all my diplomatic skill, I still get burned badly when negotiating with them. Why's that? Wounded vanity.
Usually the score-deleters are the self-proclaimed "victims" of a low score. They blame it on retaliatory scorers, biased opinion, amateur skill in the scorer... ANYTHING to divert the possibility that there very well could be something technically wrong with their photo. Probably about 20-40 per day.
Last but not least, pool deleters! I'm a strong advocate of loving my neighbours as I do myself, but I will admit that I am not very fond of these critters.
They make administrative duties for our group very complex... complex doesn't even cover it! By non-scoring, then deleting their photos from the pool, they make it impossible to figure out what went wrong, and where. This occurs about 15-30 times per day.
Our solutions? Strict administration, with a Report Thread (for members to report rulebreakers) and a Missing Scores thread (where members can collect scores to make up for the ones they missed due to rulebreakers).
Stay tuned for Part II.
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
I feel like I've been run, run, running since Saturday... so much going on, one day after another, lol!
Getting up too early and staying up too late are taking their toll on me and I'm looking forward to a day of rest tomorrow! : )
Maybe catch up on some reading, and putter around editing photos or something. This is a newish shot, and there are plenty more from this session still to come. Stay tuned!
Getting up too early and staying up too late are taking their toll on me and I'm looking forward to a day of rest tomorrow! : )
Maybe catch up on some reading, and putter around editing photos or something. This is a newish shot, and there are plenty more from this session still to come. Stay tuned!
Monday, June 1, 2009
Tadge Repotted
Erm... kind of lost part of him in the repotting process.
I am pretending he's *supposed* to be all brown and limp like that. (So don't contradict me.)
I am pretending he's *supposed* to be all brown and limp like that. (So don't contradict me.)
Sunday, May 31, 2009
The Nightmare of All Nightmares...
Have you ever had a dream where you're living somewhere or visiting someplace with the most beautiful terrain, and diversity of animals and plantlife? You take a billion photos... then wake up and are hit with the realization that all those photos you took are nonexistant?
I had one of those dreams last night... and I had this most gorgeous sunset photo I wanted to share with all of you guys... it was magnificent.
Unfortunately, it's stuck in my head, and I've yet to find a connector cable that's compatible.
I had one of those dreams last night... and I had this most gorgeous sunset photo I wanted to share with all of you guys... it was magnificent.
Unfortunately, it's stuck in my head, and I've yet to find a connector cable that's compatible.
Saturday, May 30, 2009
OK, normally I'm none too fond of grackles... and after the mockingbird incident, I will admit I'm a bit skittish around birds in general.
If mockingbirds are scary, grackles are moreso. They're HUGE, and black, with ginormous beady eyes! And they run around staring at you with their beaks wide open like they're trying to estimate whether they can get you in one bite.
But this was cute. I love babies of every species (with the exception of bugs... naturally I don't go all starry eyed over larvae). These BIG ol' baby grackles, almost the size of their parents, running around and begging to be fed, LOL!
What's funny was, they were fine pecking their own food up off the ground, but as soon as one of the adults picked up a piece of catfood (and yes, that is catfood...), the squawking and wing-flapping would start up, lol!
If mockingbirds are scary, grackles are moreso. They're HUGE, and black, with ginormous beady eyes! And they run around staring at you with their beaks wide open like they're trying to estimate whether they can get you in one bite.
But this was cute. I love babies of every species (with the exception of bugs... naturally I don't go all starry eyed over larvae). These BIG ol' baby grackles, almost the size of their parents, running around and begging to be fed, LOL!
What's funny was, they were fine pecking their own food up off the ground, but as soon as one of the adults picked up a piece of catfood (and yes, that is catfood...), the squawking and wing-flapping would start up, lol!
Friday, May 29, 2009
Apple Tree
A new photography project!
This is Tadge (thanks to Josh for the name, lol!), he will be keeping Steve and Pokeye company on my page.
This seed was inadvertently dropped into a water glass approximately two weeks ago, and much to our surprise... it germinated! It has since been transferred to a Gatorade cap, and lives on our dining room table.
I didn't think it would make it without soil!
This is Tadge (thanks to Josh for the name, lol!), he will be keeping Steve and Pokeye company on my page.
This seed was inadvertently dropped into a water glass approximately two weeks ago, and much to our surprise... it germinated! It has since been transferred to a Gatorade cap, and lives on our dining room table.
I didn't think it would make it without soil!
Pokeye Repotted!
Repotted Pokeye today... now he has a bit more room! : )
He's also finally putting out spikes. Check out my main page, the spike macro is currently at the top. : )
He's also finally putting out spikes. Check out my main page, the spike macro is currently at the top. : )
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Pokeye-Doing Much Better Now
Pokeye is making a brilliant comeback! There is now a secondary sprout coming out the side of the main cacti head that has been growing in for the past week to ten days... I'm interested to see how it will look when all is said and done!
I have successfully abstained from watering it since the sprout started coming in. : )
I have successfully abstained from watering it since the sprout started coming in. : )
My "pet" wasp nest!
Someone sprayed it, and the original two wasps died. :(
But I came out the next day and there was a new wasp. Two days later there was a second...
And yesterday there were THREE! :D
Someone sprayed it, and the original two wasps died. :(
But I came out the next day and there was a new wasp. Two days later there was a second...
And yesterday there were THREE! :D
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Saturday, May 2, 2009
The Lake
This is probably my most favourite photo that I have ever taken in my whole entire life. It is very beautiful, yes, but it also encompasses something that is significant to me. It is combined, two things I love dearly: My Family and my art.
This lake is nameless to me. It must have a name, I know it must... but to me it has always been THE lake. The first time I visited this lake was with my family at the age of 10. There is an Inn, which can not be seen in the shot as it is behind me. I have slept in this inn on many weekend trips to this locale. It is a fine Inn, very homey in spite of it's size. Clean, comfortable, good coffee, friendly service, great breakfast (including the all-important fruit salad...), and last but not least: a beautiful view.
The first thing you need to know about me is my love for water. I grew up in Florida and Texas, where we always had a pool, or at least a wading pool. Beaches were easily accessible... shoot, Florida is a stinkin' PENINSULA for gosh sake! And Texas has a fairly generous coast, being the Gulf of Mexico. I have never lived more than 60 minutes away from a beach. I also love swamps! My first swamp experience was at the age of 3 when my mother took myself and my sisters along with some friends of ours on the airboat through the Florida Everglades. Most of the other little ones were crying their heads off at the gators, but I... I was enthralled. Elated. Fascinated.
I didn't want to leave.
I started off crying at having to wear the ugly orange balloon vest which the guide insisted could save my life... but when it all ended, I stinking well did NOT want to leave. It wasn't just the gators, endearing though they were with those rows of sharp teeth and champing jaws...
It was all that gorgeous green water. Green from stagnation. Green from reflections of the rich full trees above us. Green in the most gloriously, beautifully, fantastically greenest way EVER! It was some of the most beautiful water I had ever seen in my life.
But, sadly, they did not permit camping, so leave we must. And leave we did. But don't pity me! I did end up talking my mother into taking me back at least once, I believe it was the next year. And I won't stop at two. One day I SHALL go back... I will storm back into the Florida Everglades in all my blazing glory with a new weapon to subdue the beauty of it all, to hold it captive and preserve it forever... Digital Photography. Geez Louise... how little did I know at the time how much my life was going to improve, lol!
Back to water, something else I like a lot is a good duck pond! This also holds a good memory for me... good times. Times that are preserved forever, reincarnated with each visit to any duck pond anywhere. This memory is from a time near to that of the Everglades incident. I was a most impressionable 3-year-old, if I do say so myself.
We lived in a nice neighbourhood with a big beautiful house in south Florida. It was me, my mom and dad, my older sister... and then one day a baby came! I now had a baby sister... I had wanted a baby brother, but when Mom came home with my baby sister, I knew it didn't matter. A baby, girl or boy, was something very new and exciting!
As soon as Mom was well enough to come home with the baby, Daddy came to get my older sister and I from my Uncle's house to go pick her up at the hospital. I anxiously inquired after her health, I'd had a very tragic day sobbing over a family portrait fearing the worst... but my father immediately set me at ease with a reassurance that she was quite well.
So, she was intact and likely to remain so, in addition to that I now had a baby sister. All was good and well, two weeks of adjusting to our new family member. Once we were all settled, Grandma came down from New York for a visit, so see her new granddaughter... and we had a smashing time!
She played stuffed animals with us, she told us stories, she taught us to play cards... and she took us on walks. Pop the baby in a stroller, and the four of us would set out down the street. Our favourite hangout was a duck pond... this was the root of my deep-seated love of duck ponds and their patrons. We watched the ducks, picked up feathers, threw stones in the water, floated twigs, then went home. Next walk, we brought bread crumbs with us, and Grandma showed my big sister and I how to lure the waterfowl in and feed them bread. It was fun! Especially the ducklings.
When we got home, I asked my mom if I could have a duckling. She said no.
So, I love water. The Florida Everglades, the beach, there's a big park right near me which is a swamp infested with gators, poisonous snakes, and ducks, my Grandma has a creek in her backyard, I saw Niagara Falls and Lake Eerie for the first time last year, and last month I discovered a duck pond on the outskirts of my neighbourhood. 30 minutes walking distance, woohoo!
To me, water is the most beautiful thing on the face of the earth. It reflects... the trees, the clouds in the sky, the grass on the banks. It's texture... the ripples and bubbles on the surface, the slightest disturbance creating effects that can range from a subtle matte due to an overcast sky on the prairie to a bright shimmering jewl-toned sparkle on a sunny day in the middle of a green forest.
Even the most bland of terrains can be a place of beauty given a creek or a pond. Ever flopped down on your stomach on the shore of a lake, eye level with it?
This lake is the epicenter of this place. It is all the life and beauty of it. Whenever the family starts talking about the place... the lake is always the first thing I remember. It is the first thing you see coming out of the hills reaching the town after an hour long drive. Praying to God that your dad reserved a room on the lake side...
2 hours bouncing between the TV set and the window... watching favourite TV shows, then returning for a fresh infusion of rippling shiny goodness.
Nighttime, you walk with the family out the side entrance of the hotel, across the wooden walkway to the restaurant. It is dark and the lights of the city, the stars and moon in the sky, headlights of the cars coming over the last hilltop... all of this reflected in the water. At Christmastime, the Festival of Lights on the opposite shore adds a medley of colour.
Dinnertime, a seat by the window, watching the boats of evening revelers zip past. The colourful lights wrapped about the railing of the outside eating-area glows on the water.
Back at the hotel after dinner, all the lights are out. Everyone is sleeping and you are the last one awake... quietly pushing the covers back and creeping to the window, stopping at every creak to listen for the sound of sister's uninterrupted sleep. You push back the curtains and watch the lake for a time, until you cannot remain awake any longer. Back to bed.
Waking up early to watch the sunrise and mist over the lake. The sun is not yet risen, only barely are the first rays of light spreading across the Eastern horizon. But it is enough... and you watch: up so high, from over the high hill, out of the thick fog so as to make it appear that they come from the sky itself... headlights come down, as people make their way into town. It is surreal. Strange, but beautiful.
And now the sun is coming up... maybe pale colours such as in my photo here. Is it sunny or overcast? Maybe the colours are bright and rich? There is nothing more beautiful then a sunrise reflected in the water on a clear day, marking the fresh start of a new morning.
The Lake is beautiful. It is a memory to me, and when I go back to it, I observe these traditions and rituals faithfully as I did then! When I am there, I savour every delicious moment of it.
It reminds me of my life then. My family as it was then. My views on the world then. Even... my skills of photography then! Only recently had I the privilege of capturing it via digital photography!
It was a time for family. Those weekend trips undisturbed by work or school or appointments or meetings.
Because that's what vacation should be. The making of memories together forges a bond that I am sad to see lacking in the lives of many I know. It has an impact of stability. Not waiting for work to give you time for family, but stepping AWAY from work to MAKE time for your family. Not going somewhere necessarily exciting... an amusement park with lots of fancy rides and junk food, but somewhere peaceful, quiet, and beautiful.
And this is what I think of when I see this photo. The artistic beauty of water, my favourite subject in photography. The rabbit-trailing of memories that entails. And most importantly: my family who loves me.
This lake is nameless to me. It must have a name, I know it must... but to me it has always been THE lake. The first time I visited this lake was with my family at the age of 10. There is an Inn, which can not be seen in the shot as it is behind me. I have slept in this inn on many weekend trips to this locale. It is a fine Inn, very homey in spite of it's size. Clean, comfortable, good coffee, friendly service, great breakfast (including the all-important fruit salad...), and last but not least: a beautiful view.
The first thing you need to know about me is my love for water. I grew up in Florida and Texas, where we always had a pool, or at least a wading pool. Beaches were easily accessible... shoot, Florida is a stinkin' PENINSULA for gosh sake! And Texas has a fairly generous coast, being the Gulf of Mexico. I have never lived more than 60 minutes away from a beach. I also love swamps! My first swamp experience was at the age of 3 when my mother took myself and my sisters along with some friends of ours on the airboat through the Florida Everglades. Most of the other little ones were crying their heads off at the gators, but I... I was enthralled. Elated. Fascinated.
I didn't want to leave.
I started off crying at having to wear the ugly orange balloon vest which the guide insisted could save my life... but when it all ended, I stinking well did NOT want to leave. It wasn't just the gators, endearing though they were with those rows of sharp teeth and champing jaws...
It was all that gorgeous green water. Green from stagnation. Green from reflections of the rich full trees above us. Green in the most gloriously, beautifully, fantastically greenest way EVER! It was some of the most beautiful water I had ever seen in my life.
But, sadly, they did not permit camping, so leave we must. And leave we did. But don't pity me! I did end up talking my mother into taking me back at least once, I believe it was the next year. And I won't stop at two. One day I SHALL go back... I will storm back into the Florida Everglades in all my blazing glory with a new weapon to subdue the beauty of it all, to hold it captive and preserve it forever... Digital Photography. Geez Louise... how little did I know at the time how much my life was going to improve, lol!
Back to water, something else I like a lot is a good duck pond! This also holds a good memory for me... good times. Times that are preserved forever, reincarnated with each visit to any duck pond anywhere. This memory is from a time near to that of the Everglades incident. I was a most impressionable 3-year-old, if I do say so myself.
We lived in a nice neighbourhood with a big beautiful house in south Florida. It was me, my mom and dad, my older sister... and then one day a baby came! I now had a baby sister... I had wanted a baby brother, but when Mom came home with my baby sister, I knew it didn't matter. A baby, girl or boy, was something very new and exciting!
As soon as Mom was well enough to come home with the baby, Daddy came to get my older sister and I from my Uncle's house to go pick her up at the hospital. I anxiously inquired after her health, I'd had a very tragic day sobbing over a family portrait fearing the worst... but my father immediately set me at ease with a reassurance that she was quite well.
So, she was intact and likely to remain so, in addition to that I now had a baby sister. All was good and well, two weeks of adjusting to our new family member. Once we were all settled, Grandma came down from New York for a visit, so see her new granddaughter... and we had a smashing time!
She played stuffed animals with us, she told us stories, she taught us to play cards... and she took us on walks. Pop the baby in a stroller, and the four of us would set out down the street. Our favourite hangout was a duck pond... this was the root of my deep-seated love of duck ponds and their patrons. We watched the ducks, picked up feathers, threw stones in the water, floated twigs, then went home. Next walk, we brought bread crumbs with us, and Grandma showed my big sister and I how to lure the waterfowl in and feed them bread. It was fun! Especially the ducklings.
When we got home, I asked my mom if I could have a duckling. She said no.
So, I love water. The Florida Everglades, the beach, there's a big park right near me which is a swamp infested with gators, poisonous snakes, and ducks, my Grandma has a creek in her backyard, I saw Niagara Falls and Lake Eerie for the first time last year, and last month I discovered a duck pond on the outskirts of my neighbourhood. 30 minutes walking distance, woohoo!
To me, water is the most beautiful thing on the face of the earth. It reflects... the trees, the clouds in the sky, the grass on the banks. It's texture... the ripples and bubbles on the surface, the slightest disturbance creating effects that can range from a subtle matte due to an overcast sky on the prairie to a bright shimmering jewl-toned sparkle on a sunny day in the middle of a green forest.
Even the most bland of terrains can be a place of beauty given a creek or a pond. Ever flopped down on your stomach on the shore of a lake, eye level with it?
This lake is the epicenter of this place. It is all the life and beauty of it. Whenever the family starts talking about the place... the lake is always the first thing I remember. It is the first thing you see coming out of the hills reaching the town after an hour long drive. Praying to God that your dad reserved a room on the lake side...
2 hours bouncing between the TV set and the window... watching favourite TV shows, then returning for a fresh infusion of rippling shiny goodness.
Nighttime, you walk with the family out the side entrance of the hotel, across the wooden walkway to the restaurant. It is dark and the lights of the city, the stars and moon in the sky, headlights of the cars coming over the last hilltop... all of this reflected in the water. At Christmastime, the Festival of Lights on the opposite shore adds a medley of colour.
Dinnertime, a seat by the window, watching the boats of evening revelers zip past. The colourful lights wrapped about the railing of the outside eating-area glows on the water.
Back at the hotel after dinner, all the lights are out. Everyone is sleeping and you are the last one awake... quietly pushing the covers back and creeping to the window, stopping at every creak to listen for the sound of sister's uninterrupted sleep. You push back the curtains and watch the lake for a time, until you cannot remain awake any longer. Back to bed.
Waking up early to watch the sunrise and mist over the lake. The sun is not yet risen, only barely are the first rays of light spreading across the Eastern horizon. But it is enough... and you watch: up so high, from over the high hill, out of the thick fog so as to make it appear that they come from the sky itself... headlights come down, as people make their way into town. It is surreal. Strange, but beautiful.
And now the sun is coming up... maybe pale colours such as in my photo here. Is it sunny or overcast? Maybe the colours are bright and rich? There is nothing more beautiful then a sunrise reflected in the water on a clear day, marking the fresh start of a new morning.
The Lake is beautiful. It is a memory to me, and when I go back to it, I observe these traditions and rituals faithfully as I did then! When I am there, I savour every delicious moment of it.
It reminds me of my life then. My family as it was then. My views on the world then. Even... my skills of photography then! Only recently had I the privilege of capturing it via digital photography!
It was a time for family. Those weekend trips undisturbed by work or school or appointments or meetings.
Because that's what vacation should be. The making of memories together forges a bond that I am sad to see lacking in the lives of many I know. It has an impact of stability. Not waiting for work to give you time for family, but stepping AWAY from work to MAKE time for your family. Not going somewhere necessarily exciting... an amusement park with lots of fancy rides and junk food, but somewhere peaceful, quiet, and beautiful.
And this is what I think of when I see this photo. The artistic beauty of water, my favourite subject in photography. The rabbit-trailing of memories that entails. And most importantly: my family who loves me.
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Day of the Donut!
The 2nd annual Day of the Donut!
Mine are homemade because I didn't remember until the day before... for some reason I thought the date was later.
Fried doughnuts with a double layering of pink glaze, pink sugar crystals, and pink and blue sprinkles!
Happy Day of the Donut, people! :)
The 2nd annual Day of the Donut!
Mine are homemade because I didn't remember until the day before... for some reason I thought the date was later.
Fried doughnuts with a double layering of pink glaze, pink sugar crystals, and pink and blue sprinkles!
Happy Day of the Donut, people! :)
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Cheesy Steve and Pokeye
Evidently... the amputation did not help Pokeye any. : (
His days are numbered! The dreaded rotting continues to work it's way downward.
I haven't watered him since it began, I swear!!!
His days are numbered! The dreaded rotting continues to work it's way downward.
I haven't watered him since it began, I swear!!!
New Camera!
Happy Birthday to Me!
So, I have my new camera, and it's great! The Olympus SP565UZ.
10MP and x20 Optical Zoom
We went for a long walk and came across a duck pond. I have to bring bread for them next time! :D
I could only take 15 photos because I forgot my memory card... but I still got some cool ones. : )
So, I have my new camera, and it's great! The Olympus SP565UZ.
10MP and x20 Optical Zoom
We went for a long walk and came across a duck pond. I have to bring bread for them next time! :D
I could only take 15 photos because I forgot my memory card... but I still got some cool ones. : )
Oh dear! I am so bummed about this. : (
I accidentally knocked my camera off a ledge this morning... it fell three feet and hit pavement, knocking the lens-housing off. With some fiddling, it still operates.... but no zoom, focusing is a pain in the neck, and all photos have that stupid black pseudo-vignetting around the edges! It is unwieldy, because I have to hold the pieces in place while shooting. Lol.
Eventually I will be able to get it repaired, but in the meantime... I'm distraught! I have been shooting with this camera for 6 years now, it has always served me well. My first camera, a hand-me-down from someone I love dearly, the camera I've learned with. And I busted it! :O
I'm getting a new one soon anyways, but still. : (
I had hoped to continue shooting with this one despite.
I accidentally knocked my camera off a ledge this morning... it fell three feet and hit pavement, knocking the lens-housing off. With some fiddling, it still operates.... but no zoom, focusing is a pain in the neck, and all photos have that stupid black pseudo-vignetting around the edges! It is unwieldy, because I have to hold the pieces in place while shooting. Lol.
Eventually I will be able to get it repaired, but in the meantime... I'm distraught! I have been shooting with this camera for 6 years now, it has always served me well. My first camera, a hand-me-down from someone I love dearly, the camera I've learned with. And I busted it! :O
I'm getting a new one soon anyways, but still. : (
I had hoped to continue shooting with this one despite.
In dreams it's come back to haunt me...
I wish I knew how you've been.
I just want you to know I still care about you.
Do you know how long it's been?
I wish that I could tell you,
I still think of you every day.
Will our paths ever cross again?
I hope they will someday.
Do you miss me, as I do you, and will I ever know?
A part of me fears you'll forget me... a part of me hangs on and says No.
I wish I knew how you've been.
I just want you to know I still care about you.
Do you know how long it's been?
I wish that I could tell you,
I still think of you every day.
Will our paths ever cross again?
I hope they will someday.
Do you miss me, as I do you, and will I ever know?
A part of me fears you'll forget me... a part of me hangs on and says No.
Sunday, February 22, 2009
A good group died today. :(
Flickr Central (Censored). Last night a large dispute broke out involving a rogue member who had previously requested a moderator position. Hurling insults and derogatory comments at myself, our admin, and several other moderators, he was kicked 10 times before banning. I think 11 chances is a lot, don't you?
We thought it ended there, but sadly... no.
This morning I logged on to find all of the threads had been deleted, barring one joke thread started 14 months ago by our admin, the thread was titled: "This Group is Horrible". I knew immediately who it was... the only moderator we didn't know well, he was apparently buddies with the rogue member.
I fumed over this for a bit... after messaging our admin notifying him of this occurrence, I started a new thread: "I know who you are..."
The content: "And when I get a hold of our admin, you are history. I hope you're satisfied. What you have done is incredibly juvenile and we are not impressed".
2 hours later it was deleted. One of my co-moderators in the group began posting other threads, all of which were deleted. I checked membership and found that ALL the members had been removed! I was furious...
After a few more minutes of posting and deleted, the co-mod and I began spamming. He kept pace for a bit, deleting our threads, but we got ahead. He gave up at some point, and when all was said and done, we had 260 threads. I then messaged our admin with an update. Then headed off to carry on with my life...
I came back on this evening, to find our admin in a heightened state of distress. He quit the group and it is now pretty much shut down. We had hoped to salvage it, but apparently this is not to be.
This has happened time and time again... so many groups hijacked by troll admins. I've never heard of a case where it was a moderator before!
Let this be a lesson to all... choose your administrative teams carefully!
Goodbye FCC, and all the fun we had there.
Flickr Central (Censored). Last night a large dispute broke out involving a rogue member who had previously requested a moderator position. Hurling insults and derogatory comments at myself, our admin, and several other moderators, he was kicked 10 times before banning. I think 11 chances is a lot, don't you?
We thought it ended there, but sadly... no.
This morning I logged on to find all of the threads had been deleted, barring one joke thread started 14 months ago by our admin, the thread was titled: "This Group is Horrible". I knew immediately who it was... the only moderator we didn't know well, he was apparently buddies with the rogue member.
I fumed over this for a bit... after messaging our admin notifying him of this occurrence, I started a new thread: "I know who you are..."
The content: "And when I get a hold of our admin, you are history. I hope you're satisfied. What you have done is incredibly juvenile and we are not impressed".
2 hours later it was deleted. One of my co-moderators in the group began posting other threads, all of which were deleted. I checked membership and found that ALL the members had been removed! I was furious...
After a few more minutes of posting and deleted, the co-mod and I began spamming. He kept pace for a bit, deleting our threads, but we got ahead. He gave up at some point, and when all was said and done, we had 260 threads. I then messaged our admin with an update. Then headed off to carry on with my life...
I came back on this evening, to find our admin in a heightened state of distress. He quit the group and it is now pretty much shut down. We had hoped to salvage it, but apparently this is not to be.
This has happened time and time again... so many groups hijacked by troll admins. I've never heard of a case where it was a moderator before!
Let this be a lesson to all... choose your administrative teams carefully!
Goodbye FCC, and all the fun we had there.
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Cheesy Steve Commemorates...
Day 9!
Today, Cheesy Steve commemorates Hannah becoming an ordained minister! Congratulations, Hannah! *Sniffs*
Today, Cheesy Steve commemorates Hannah becoming an ordained minister! Congratulations, Hannah! *Sniffs*
Saturday, January 10, 2009
Bedtime, Cheesy Steve
Day 8! I have Hannah, aka Savage Hippie Girl to thank for this one. I was a touch low on inspiration, and she gave me the idea. : )
Friday, January 9, 2009
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Cheesy Steve and Ste. Genevieve
Day six! This was really hard to photograph... still not entirely happy with the results. : /
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
Cheesy Steve and Apple
OK, this shot is just plain boring, and I won't deny it. : P
Should get better tomorrow...
Should get better tomorrow...
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Monday, January 5, 2009
Sunday, January 4, 2009
Please Do Not Eat Cheesy Steve
Day two, and Cheesy Steve was almost consumed! : O
I came to his rescue just on time, though... all's good now. : )
I came to his rescue just on time, though... all's good now. : )
Saturday, January 3, 2009
Cheesy Steve (Alias Bob)
OK, so after all my slaving away with the 49 Pages in 2 months challenge, I knew I just HAD to have something else to keep me busy...
So, inspired by my friend Hannah (aka Savage Hippie Girl), I went with the "One Object 365 Days Project". I waffled for some time on what my object would be, and finally settled on a nice slice of Swiss cheese.
Meet Cheesy Steve!
So, inspired by my friend Hannah (aka Savage Hippie Girl), I went with the "One Object 365 Days Project". I waffled for some time on what my object would be, and finally settled on a nice slice of Swiss cheese.
Meet Cheesy Steve!
Thursday, January 1, 2009
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