Friday, June 5, 2009

Score Me! Pet Peeve (Part 1): Rulebreakers

A lengthy complaint in installments.

OK, a quick run up on my history with Score Me!
I have been a member for a year as of this June. A moderator from August to December 2008. In December of 2008, following an angry but effective tirade (which can still be found in our group forum, page 5), I was promoted to group Administrator. Finally, this past March, the lone remaining active administrator demoted, and I was promoted to the position of Chief Administrator.

The concept of the group is fairly simple... you post one of your photos to the pool, then use our copy-and-paste tagline to score the five photos directly preceding your own. Once you have posted, you may not post again until another five photos (by five other members) have been added to the pool. Via this pattern, every photo gets five scores. Doesn't that sound lovely, and brilliantly well thought out? Well, it isn't. Sadly, there is always *someone* to rain on the parade. : )
Don't get me wrong, , this is an excellent way to work on technical skill. This was my jump-off point as an amateur... a learning process for me.
But we have pool-flooders, and non-scorers, score deleters, photo-deleters, whiners, and all sorts of other folks to help make sure it is the precise antitheses of "fun" for the administrative team.

Firstly are the flooders. Prior to switching the group to Invite Only, we got 10-20 of these per day. They come in, they dump a bunch of photos in the pool, and they don't score... thus breaking up our Post 1, Score 5 sequence, and causing a hoot of a lot of confusion for the regulars.

Secondly are the non-scorers. These do just that... they post 1 photo (in accordance with rules) and score zilch. This means the five people after them all miss out on 1 score. We get anywhere from 50-100 of these per day.

Thirdly are the score deleters! This offense is the least troublesome, and yet the perpetrators are the most belligerent and precarious to deal with. Exerting all my diplomatic skill, I still get burned badly when negotiating with them. Why's that? Wounded vanity.
Usually the score-deleters are the self-proclaimed "victims" of a low score. They blame it on retaliatory scorers, biased opinion, amateur skill in the scorer... ANYTHING to divert the possibility that there very well could be something technically wrong with their photo. Probably about 20-40 per day.

Last but not least, pool deleters! I'm a strong advocate of loving my neighbours as I do myself, but I will admit that I am not very fond of these critters.
They make administrative duties for our group very complex... complex doesn't even cover it! By non-scoring, then deleting their photos from the pool, they make it impossible to figure out what went wrong, and where. This occurs about 15-30 times per day.

Our solutions? Strict administration, with a Report Thread (for members to report rulebreakers) and a Missing Scores thread (where members can collect scores to make up for the ones they missed due to rulebreakers).

Stay tuned for Part II.

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