Wednesday, April 8, 2009


Originally uploaded by PaperBouquet
Oh dear! I am so bummed about this. : (
I accidentally knocked my camera off a ledge this morning... it fell three feet and hit pavement, knocking the lens-housing off. With some fiddling, it still operates.... but no zoom, focusing is a pain in the neck, and all photos have that stupid black pseudo-vignetting around the edges! It is unwieldy, because I have to hold the pieces in place while shooting. Lol.
Eventually I will be able to get it repaired, but in the meantime... I'm distraught! I have been shooting with this camera for 6 years now, it has always served me well. My first camera, a hand-me-down from someone I love dearly, the camera I've learned with. And I busted it! :O


I'm getting a new one soon anyways, but still. : (
I had hoped to continue shooting with this one despite.

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