Saturday, May 30, 2009


Originally uploaded by PaperBouquet
OK, normally I'm none too fond of grackles... and after the mockingbird incident, I will admit I'm a bit skittish around birds in general.
If mockingbirds are scary, grackles are moreso. They're HUGE, and black, with ginormous beady eyes! And they run around staring at you with their beaks wide open like they're trying to estimate whether they can get you in one bite.

But this was cute. I love babies of every species (with the exception of bugs... naturally I don't go all starry eyed over larvae). These BIG ol' baby grackles, almost the size of their parents, running around and begging to be fed, LOL!
What's funny was, they were fine pecking their own food up off the ground, but as soon as one of the adults picked up a piece of catfood (and yes, that is catfood...), the squawking and wing-flapping would start up, lol!

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