Sunday, February 22, 2009


Originally uploaded by PaperBouquet
A good group died today. :(

Flickr Central (Censored). Last night a large dispute broke out involving a rogue member who had previously requested a moderator position. Hurling insults and derogatory comments at myself, our admin, and several other moderators, he was kicked 10 times before banning. I think 11 chances is a lot, don't you?

We thought it ended there, but sadly... no.

This morning I logged on to find all of the threads had been deleted, barring one joke thread started 14 months ago by our admin, the thread was titled: "This Group is Horrible". I knew immediately who it was... the only moderator we didn't know well, he was apparently buddies with the rogue member.
I fumed over this for a bit... after messaging our admin notifying him of this occurrence, I started a new thread: "I know who you are..."
The content: "And when I get a hold of our admin, you are history. I hope you're satisfied. What you have done is incredibly juvenile and we are not impressed".

2 hours later it was deleted. One of my co-moderators in the group began posting other threads, all of which were deleted. I checked membership and found that ALL the members had been removed! I was furious...
After a few more minutes of posting and deleted, the co-mod and I began spamming. He kept pace for a bit, deleting our threads, but we got ahead. He gave up at some point, and when all was said and done, we had 260 threads. I then messaged our admin with an update. Then headed off to carry on with my life...

I came back on this evening, to find our admin in a heightened state of distress. He quit the group and it is now pretty much shut down. We had hoped to salvage it, but apparently this is not to be.

This has happened time and time again... so many groups hijacked by troll admins. I've never heard of a case where it was a moderator before!
Let this be a lesson to all... choose your administrative teams carefully!

Goodbye FCC, and all the fun we had there.

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